
Worried your niche is too saturated?

Are you worried your niche is too saturated?

That you won’t be able to find enough clients if you narrow it down?

I’ve had many conversations with coaches who have felt the same way.

And I get it.

I had the same worry when I decided to move from being a general business coach to working with just coaches.

And guess what?

Pretty much every niche feels saturated.

And yet, there are almost 8 billion people in the world. 332 million of those people are in the United States alone.

And, let’s say you narrow your niche down to women ages 30-34.

There are 11,270,000 women in that age range in the United States (I looked it up).

How many of those women do you need to have a thriving coaching practice at any one time?

10, 15, 20, maybe?

Do you think you could attract 20 clients out of 11 million?

I think you could.

Now, you have a lot of things to focus on when growing your coaching business.

Things like…

  • Narrowing down your niche
  • Understanding your ideal community intimately
  • Being able to convey that understanding to them so they know, like, and trust you
  • Creating ways for them to actually find you
  • etc.

Worrying that you’re in a saturated market shouldn’t be one of them.

With love & joy,

P.S. Here are 2 ways I can personally help you grow your coaching business:

1. Join me inside The 1-to-1 Coaches Accelerator
For coaches who want to go fast, with my personal guidance and support. We work together to put in place the building blocks to grow a six-figure coaching business. 

2. Coach Action Plan
This is a super-focused one-to-one call with me to help you take your best next steps. We create a clear strategy customized to your unique talents, strengths, and interests. 

Just reach out here and let me know which one you're interested in and I'll get you more information. 

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. 1
    The Coaching Genius Course. Join 2,000+ students inside of the Coaching Genius course. This foundational course will teach you how to build your business around your unique Coaching Genius, so you can stop trying to do all the things and start doing the things that make the most sense for you. Your personality. Your strengths. YOUR GENIUS. 
  2. 2
    The Coach Action Plan. In this 90-minute call, you'll get my personal guidance to uncover what your best next steps are in your business. You'll come away with an action plan to guide you towards your business goals, guaranteed. 
  3. 3
    Coaching with Me Personally. I offer one-to-one coaching, as well as group coaching in The Coaching Business Accelerator (CBA). Both are designed to help you get your business up and running as quickly as possible. You'll get fantastic support from me personally and access to all the training you need to grow a thriving coaching business. Sign up for a discovery call so we can see which one is the best fit for you.  

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