If growing your email list is one of your goals for this year, I think you're going to love this.
Like I mentioned in my last post, my son, Bobby, helped me grow my list with over 20,000 awesome coaches. Which has led to a six figure business working with clients I absolutely love.
Bobby owns his own marketing agency, so you could hire him if you wanted. But I know hiring a marketing expert to ‘do it for you’ is out of the reach of many coaches.
That’s why I was really excited when he put together a workshop called "Super Simple List Growth with Facebook Ads"
In the workshop, he walks you through the whole process to set up a simple list-building Facebook & Instagram campaign. One that brings in 200-300 new leads per month (i.e. 3,600 leads per year).
Imagine if you had 3,600 new people subscribed to your email list.
Thousands of new people you could communicate with and build a relationship with.
How do you think your business would change?
Would you enroll more clients?
Maybe sell a course or two?
Increase your income?
Quit your day j.o.b?
…All of the above?
When he was putting together the workshop, Bobby told me he wanted to make it so useful and immediately actionable that it’d be a bargain at $500.
I’ve seen everything he put together, and I’ve got to say… he did it. It’s really good.
The good news is Bobby’s not actually charging $500 for the workshop.
It's much, much cheaper!
Click the link below to get all the details:
By the way, you'll get lifetime access so you can revisit it anytime you want.
With love & joy,

P.S. Is there someone in your life who could benefit from reading this post? Why not share this with them?