Do you feel the pressure to do ‘all the things’ when it comes to marketing your business?
I’ll admit, I feel it too.
It seems like you should be everywhere online, on all the platforms, all the time.
But like I mentioned in my last post, that’s just not realistic.
I’m a big believer in finding a marketing approach that fits your unique strengths and genius. Especially when you’re first starting out.
Something that’s sustainable long-term. That you’ll enjoy and not dread…
In other words, something you’ll actually do 😉
Otherwise, it’s way too easy to wind up in procrastination hell.
Or find yourself taking one step in every direction…
(aka going in a circle…)
Which as you can imagine, doesn’t help your business one bit.
Because I discovered that when I focused on just ONE marketing approach…
Everything changed.
And for the last few years, the marketing approach that’s taken up 90% of my focus has been Facebook and Instagram Ads.
I built my business on them — growing my list with over 20,000 awesome coaches in just a couple of years. Which has led to a six figure business.
Not bad!
And odds are good you’re reading this email because you clicked on one of my ads and took the Coaching Genius Type quiz.
That marketing approach has worked beautifully for me.
However, I will be the first to admit that running ads to grow your business can feel overwhelming.
There is so much to learn.
How can you be sure you’re doing the right things and pushing the right buttons?
Now, I’ve been very fortunate because I don’t run the ads myself.
I’ve been able to partner with my son, Bobby, who runs his own marketing agency.
His expertise has allowed me to focus on what I love most — creating the marketing funnels where those ads lead, coaching my clients, and creating training programs to help coaches.
And while you may not be in the position to hire Bobby or someone like him to do it for you…
You can still get his help if you’ve been interested in running Facebook and Instagram ads.
He’s created a workshop called Super Simple List Growth with Facebook Ads, to help coaches and other online business owners get started on the right foot. So they don’t waste time or money.
I’ve seen “behind the scenes” and I can tell you it’s well put-together and thought through – I think you’re going to love the step-by-step worksheets for each part of the process.
And don’t worry if you’re short on time. This is a short, straight-to-the-point workshop. You’ll be putting together your ads within minutes and can have everything set up within just a few hours.
And tomorrow Bobby’s opening up registration for the workshop.
Interested? Then keep an eye out for my next blog post.
With love & joy,

P.S. Is there someone in your life who could benefit from reading this post? Why not share this with them?