In my view there are three things to consider when choosing your ideal niche, and finally being able to draw a line in the sand.
First, do you have experience helping someone with this transformation?
Do you have enough experience with this particular niche that you could help someone else? If not, is it something you could learn fairly quickly and easily? Maybe fill in some gaps of your knowledge and skill set?
Second, do you have the confidence to help someone get to the other side of the transformation?
And in this case, I don't mean 100% confidence all the time.
Think of it like this: You "live" in confidence and "vacation" in self-doubt.
As opposed to living in self-doubt and vacationing in confidence.
We all have doubts about our skills on occasion.
That's just the human condition.
You just want to feel mostly confident.
Third, is this particular niche meaningful for you?
Do you actually care about helping this group of people with this particular transformation? Or is something else being considered? Like, perhaps, whether you think you'll make more money in this particular niche.
If you've got a yes to all three — experience, confidence, meaning — super!
Next question to ask...
Is there another niche that I have more experience in, have more confidence in, and has more meaning for me?
If the answer is no, great! You've got your niche to get moving with. Put a line in the sand and go for it. Knowing, of course, that you can pivot as you work with more and more clients.
If the answer is yes to another niche that you have more experience, confidence, and meaning, then great! You've got your niche to get moving with. Put a line in the sand and go for it. Knowing, of course, that you can pivot as you work with more and more clients.
And remember, the more time you're stuck figuring out your niche, the less people you're helping.
Once you've got your "the best niche for me right now" settled on, the best thing you can do is start taking action. Because you'll never know if a niche is truly right for you until you actually start coaching people.
With love & joy,

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