It's important to focus your business tasks on the ones that are a) most relevant to your business, and b) are one of your core competencies (in your Zone of Genius or Zone of Excellence as Gay Hendricks likes to say).
Marketing is no different.
In this article, I share with you what I would do if I was a brand new coach who has decided on these two areas to focus on in my business...
First, for my niche, I've decided I'm going to coach moms who give everything to their families but can’t find the time for themselves (or haven’t given themselves permission to)
Second, I'm going to focus on starting a blog and using social media to bring people to my blog.
(Let's assume that I really know what I'm doing and already have a freebie giveaway to entice people onto my email list).
So, the first thing I want to do is figure out which social media platforms make the most sense for my target audience. Since I'm targeting moms, I'm going to focus on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Do the Prep Work
Since I'm just starting, I need to do a little prep work, so I set up...
Write Useful Blog Article for My Community
Once I have the prep work completed, I'm ready to start writing useful blog articles that show my expertise, build rapport with my community, and attract them to my freebie giveaway so they end up on my email list.
I decide that I'm going to write the following blog article because I know my community and what they need:
10 Easy Tips to Find One Extra Hour in Your Day (So You Can Spend It On Yourself Guilt-Free)
Since I already have a freebie giveaway and a few people on my email list, I'm also going to write a quick email to them letting them know about the blog post.
I schedule the blog post and email to go out on my designated day.
Create the Graphics for My Blog Article and Social Media Platforms
Now it's time to have some fun.
I decide to use Canva to create the graphics for my blog post and social media because it's free and they have a ton of free templates and photos I can use.
I use Canva's templates to create...
For each of the 3 social media graphics, I decide to create 3 titles to see which one works best...
I'll start with the actual title of my blog article:
10 Easy Tips to Find One Extra Hour in Your Day (So You Can Spend It On Yourself Guilt-Free)
I'm also going to try these two titles to see how they work:
Need to find more time in your day for yourself? Try these tips
Here are 10 Guilt-Free Ways to Find An Extra Hour in Your Day
Schedule the Social Media Posts
Once I have the graphics done, I'm ready to schedule my posts. Since I'm only posting to 3 platforms, I'm going to use Hootsuite because they allow me to have 3 social media profiles for free and 30 scheduled posts per month. That's enough to get me started and then I can decide if I need more.
To start, I'm going to create and schedule 2 posts, one for Facebook and one for Instagram that get published right after my blog post is scheduled to go live.
Since I'm just starting, I won't schedule more posts on Facebook or Instagram until I have more blog content to post because I'll want to mix it up on those platforms a bit.
Now, Pinterest is another story. Since I have 10 Pinterest boards that are related to this particular blog article that already have pins on them, I can schedule 30 pins to go out throughout the week.
Let's say that I planned my tips to match my 10 Pinterest boards. I can then schedule those 3 graphics I created (with accompanying copy) to each of my 10 boards:
And what's great about Pinterest is that those pins will keep working for me as I post more and more on Pinterest and others repin my pins.
Rinse and Repeat
Once I get the hang of this one marketing approach, I can do this for every blog article I write. So long as I'm consistent and create valuable content that perfectly matches what my ideal community wants and needs, I'll soon find myself with more and more people visiting my website and ultimately opting in for my freebie giveaway.
With love & joy,

P.S. Is there someone in your life who could benefit from reading this post? Why not share this with them?