A few days ago, I was talking with a friend who’s been struggling to find new clients. She’s a very smart and accomplished woman. She’d led a very successful career working her way up the ladder in a well-known Fortune 500 company. And then she left her corporate career to go off on her own and start [ read more…]

It’s August 2012. I’ve just earned my Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology. But… I no longer want to get a job as a psychologist. Instead, I want to become a coach. I dream of working for myself. Changing my clients’ lives. And making a good living while doing so. So naturally, I start my own coaching practice. I hang out my [ read more…]

I was on a Coach Action Plan call with a coach who was telling me about some seriously large and very cool dreams she had for her business. She wanted to have a full roster of coaching clients, write books, speak on big stages, run groups and masterminds, and create courses. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with [ read more…]

I was sitting at a nearby coffee shop this past week writing some content for my business when I overheard a snippet of a conversation between two women sitting at the table behind me. It sounded like one of the gals owned her own business and was venting to the other about all the frustrations she [ read more…]

Last year my friend Paula told me she was starting up Weight Watchers. She’d used it 20 years ago and lost 20lbs. And she wanted to use it again to lose a few more pounds that had snuck on during the last couple years. Well… That conversation inspired me to begin my own weight loss journey (again 😉 But [ read more…]

I read an article this week in Psychology Today that discussed the good and bad of journaling. Intriguing. I never thought of journaling as having a bad side. I’ve always found it to be quite helpful. But the article made some good points and I thought I’d share them because I know hundreds of coaches who use journaling as [ read more…]