I have to admit that every once and a while the craziness of what's going on in the world gets to me.
And I have to pull out ALL my tools to deal.
And it got worse this past week when I heard that Trump is sending "federal agents" to Albuquerque.
Because that's gone so well for Portland.
But I'm dealing because what else am I going to do?
So, I thought I'd share one of my tools because you might be having these moments, too.
I call this tool, "Flipping the Switch."
It's pretty simple, really, and I'm guessing you've heard of it and done it yourself.
Just consider this a reminder.
If you're single and living alone and haven't touched another human being in four months, you can flip the switch and think "at least I don't have to figure out the whole kids and school thing."
If you're a mom and have kids and school stuff to figure out, you can flip the switch and think "at least I'm not single, living alone, and haven't touched another human being in four months."
If you haven't been able to see some of your loved ones in person, you can flip the switch and think "at least there is internet, video conferencing, and phones so I can still see their faces or hear their voices."
When you're in the grocery store and you see everyone wearing face masks and it feels like you're surviving an apocalypse, you can flip the switch and think "at least there are no zombies."
I hope this serves you.
Enjoy your Sunday.
Here in Albuquerque the sun is out and there's a nice breeze.
"at least we have nature"
With love & joy,

P.S. Is there someone in your life who could benefit from reading this post? Why not share this with them?