I’d like to talk to you today about the idea of building assets in your business. Assets are things that you do once but can pay off for years to come. The trick to making something an asset is to think in terms of making it ‘evergreen.’ Something that is evergreen is just as relevant 5 [ read more…]
I’m not a big believer in having a bucket list that is just a list. It just becomes this thing that we do once and set aside. And then we pull it out of a drawer while decluttering five years later, and think “Oh Yeah, I forgot I did that.” A few months ago, I put together what [ read more…]
In my view there are three things to consider when choosing your ideal niche, and finally being able to draw a line in the sand.First, do you have experience helping someone with this transformation?Do you have enough experience with this particular niche that you could help someone else? If not, is it something you could [ read more…]
Full transparency: This blog post is a bit of a journal entry. Trying to get my head wrapped around something. As you may know, I offer Coach Action Plans. These are 45-minute calls with me that are designed to help coaches get clearer on their next action steps. I’ve been conducting these calls several times per week [ read more…]
If you’re struggling to narrow down your niche because you want to help everyone with everything, I want to share an idea with you that might help. It’s the idea of the door vs. the whole house. I see your niche as the door that someone comes through. That specific thing that your ideal client [ read more…]
I came across this question a while back that I thought was a great thought exercise. The question is…”What if the only things you had tomorrow were the things you expressed gratitude for today?”So, they just wouldn’t be in your life tomorrow if you didn’t express gratitude today. Trippy, right? Even if we just start with things [ read more…]