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A Little About Me
I believe that the world will be a better place when coaches can focus on what's most important to them -- helping people transform their lives.
I see so many coaches get stuck on the business side of their practices, when all they want to do is serve people at the deepest levels.
That's why I created the Coaching Genius System. A step-by-step process to help coaches out of overwhelm and into a profitable and sustainable coaching practice.
Latest Blog Posts
Do you want a hobby or a business?
Sometimes when I talk to coaches, they tell me they’re trying to grow their coaching business.But then when we dig into what they’re doing on a weekly basis…It becomes clear that what they’re really doing is creating an expensive hobby for themselves.It usually looks something like this… (based on my first few years in “business”
How do you want to sell?
Several years ago, I signed up for a course on selling from a coach who promised we could increase our conversion rates by 50%. That would be amazing if it were true. But it wasn’t.At least for me. About every 10 minutes in the course, I thought, “There’s NO WAY I’m doing that.”Her approach was hard selling at
Tired of selling yourself as a coach?
Recently I set the record straight that growing a business can be simple, but not always easy. And like many things that are difficult, it’s worth it. Because on the other side of this challenge is a more confident and more capable you. And a life where you make good money doing meaningful work that you love. Now to get there,
"Be Yourself. Everyone else is already taken."
- Oscar Wilde