Build your business around your unique Coaching Genius.

Stop trying to do all the things. Start doing the things that make the most sense for you. Your personality. Your strengths.

Imagine making fast & focused progress towards attracting ideal  clients and creating a business you love because every part of your business is infused with YOU and how you work best. 

Don't delay. Over 57% off. Ends Friday. 

Coaching Genius Course on multiple devices

What customers  are saying about the Coaching Genius Course

Join 1,400+ coaches harnessing their genius,  building their unique businesses, and changing lives.

What's in the course? 

Uncover the One Transformation You're Meant to Help People With

  • Discover the two parts of a transformation and why it's important to consider both
  • Understand the profound value of channeling your energy towards a single transformation
  • Dive into the crucial factors that will guide your decision, shaping the future success of your coaching practice
Module 1: Your One Transformation

Find the One Ideal Client Avatar You Feel Most Connected to

  • Understand what an ideal client avatar actually is, why you need one, and most importantly, how to create a description that you can use level up your messaging
  • Uncover how to find your ideal clients and what to say to them so they perk up and listen to you
  • Discover what your Coaching Genius Type has to say about choosing a niche and how best to think about an ideal niche
Module 2: Your One Ideal Client Avatar

Design your One-of-A-Kind Coaching Framework

  • Understand what a coaching framework is, the two main types of coaching frameworks, and why it's so important you develop your own
  • How to develop your own coaching framework so it is uniquely yours and stands out from others
Module 3: Your One Coaching Framework

Unpack the One Marketing Approach for Your Genius So You Can Skip the Rest

  • Create your marketing strategy and action plan based on your strengths and genius
  • Understand the core principles of attracting your ideal clients
  • Discover where your Coaching Genius type falls within eight main marketing approaches and how you can best choose one based on your Coaching Genius Type
Module 4: Your One Marketing Approach

Discover Your One Enrollment Conversation So You Can Sign Clients Up with Ease

  • Understand the mindset you need going into each call
  • Know what to do to help your potential client see that they need your coaching
  • Easily share how your coaching is the exact solution they need to make the transformation they so desperately want
Module 5: Your One Enrollment Conversation

Plus, Get These Special Bonuses When You Join Now...


Coaching Skills Jumpstart
Quickly Get Started With the Essentials of Coaching That Gets Results

(Value: $297)

Feeling a little less than confident with your actual coaching skills? No problem. I've got your back. I'll share with you the 3 mindset shifts that can make sure every session is super powerful for your client. I'll also share with you what I consider to be the seven foundations of coaching so you always have a plan for the session. 

And most importantly, how to bring your full unique self to the table -- your unique genius, strengths, personality, and values -- so that your clients get your authentic self. 

From limiting to success beliefs


From Limiting to Success Beliefs
Flip the script on the most common mindset traps that trip coaches up

(Value: $97)

Putting ourselves out there and saying "Hey, I can help you!" can feel like it takes everything we have. And sometimes it just stops us in our tracks. 

I created this simple training to help you have a rock solid mindset that's focused on helping you get out of your own way and become the coach and successful business owner you know you're meant to be. 

High Converting Enrollment Script


High Converting Enrollment Script
Quickly fine tune this proven script to your niche and start signing up your ideal clients

(Value: $200)

Let's face it, if we can't sell our coaching, we can't serve clients and help change lives. 

Even if you're opposed to using a script, you can easily tweak this script to fit an outline, or just pull out some of the powerful questions and ask away. 

Having a proven method makes your enrollment calls so much more effective. 

Everything You Get Today...

Coaching Genius Course


Bonus #1: Coaching Skills Jumpstart


Bonus #2: From Limiting to Success Beliefs


Bonus #3: High Converting Enrollment Script




You're Protected By My 30-Day Total Happiness Money-Back Guarantee

I'm confident that the Coaching Genius Course is what coaches need to build a thriving coaching business. However, if you're on the fence, then I want to give you every chance to try everything with absolute confidence.

That's why I'm giving you a full 30 days to go through the program, use the step-by-step worksheets, and experience for yourself how amazing it feels to have the clarity and confidence to move forward with your business.

If you go through the program and decide it's not for you, simply send me a one-line email, show me you at least gave it a try, and I'll give you a full, prompt, and friendly refund. 

Here's a small sample of what you'll discover...

Are You Niche Enough? If you can answer this surprisingly simple question, you’ll instantly discover if you're on the right track.

Elite coaches understand this to their bones. One mindset shift can catapult you into the league of master-level coaches. I'll show you two real-life examples that make it crystal clear.

There's a specific way to talk to potential clients. Do it right, and they'll be all ears. Do it wrong, and... well, better luck next time.

Your Dream Niche is 3 Steps Away. And I mean a niche that fits like a glove! Use this proven 3-pronged approach, then double-check your choice with these 3 little questions. You'll sleep better, trust me.

Why understanding these 4 key components can make selling your coaching that much easier.

Suffer from niche indecision? No worries. I’ve got you covered. Two foolproof ways to help you decide so you can move on to actually coaching clients.

Warning: A bad niche can sink you. But how do you know if your chosen niche will make you money... or just drain your energy? Before you dive headfirst into the deep end, answer these 5 “profitability questions.” They're your lifeline to ensure you're not about to paddle into a dead-end niche. Because let's be honest – passion is great, but profitability is key!

Think You Don't Need an ICA? Think Again. There are 3 “business building” reasons why every smart coach takes the time to create one. And as the icing on the cake, I've got a real-world example that'll make you see how an ICA can be your “secret sauce.”

With this dual approach to framework design, carve out a path that’s authentically yours. No need to fit you into the framework. Shape it the way you work best.

Think gathering information about your ideal clients is drudgery? Think again. I’ve got 5 fun and easy strategies that’ll make you forget you’re doing research.

Think you’ve got your avatar figured out? Probably not. There are 3 non-negotiables that must be in play before you can know for sure. Miss one and you may be shooting in the dark.

Can't Stand Out? These 13 "deep dive" questions are your ticket out of obscurity. Dive in, stay above the racket, and watch as your ideal clients come knocking.

Stop selling yourself. With your unique coaching framework in place, the value of your coaching is evident. Let your framework do the selling.

Before you dive deep into the vast sea of marketing options, you must make this key decision first.

Discover why this 'contemporary' marketing approach outperforms 'old school' methods every time.

Ask these 4 vital “good fit” questions to streamline your enrollment process

Uncover the top 2 most important elements to elevate your marketing effectiveness

Master the 4 principles that will set you apart and attract more clients effortlessly.”

Questions + Answers

Who, specifically, is this course for?

The Coaching Genius Course is for coaches who...

  • still need to nail down their niche 
  • haven't developed their own proprietary coaching framework
  • aren't quite sure what marketing approach they should implement
  • could use a better enrollment process.
If you need help with the foundational pieces of your coaching business, you'll definitely want to check out the Coaching Genius Course.

Who should NOT buy this course?

If you already have a solid system in place and everything is running smoothly, then this isn't the course for you.

This course is focused on building the 5 core elements of a solid coaching business -- selecting a transformation you feel confident in, deciding on a client avatar that represents the people you most want to help, developing your own coaching framework so you feel confident in your coaching (and stand out from other coaches in your niche), a marketing approach based on your strengths and genius (so you'll actually do it), and an enrollment conversation that works. 

Does the course come with email or call support?

No, the course is designed to be self-guided and self-paced. With over 1,500 students in my courses, I  cannot provide 1:1 support via email or calls. I have to leave individual support with me to my 1:1 and group clients. 

How long is the course and what format is it in?

The Coaching Genius Course is roughly 90 minutes long and is a video course with some additional worksheets that are text-based.

Can you provide a custom invoice?

My system provides receipts with the following information: Date purchased, transaction #, amount paid, payment method, product(s) purchased, and my billing info. I can't produce custom invoices for foreign tax purposes.

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